
In Loving Memory of

Joseph Alastair Mackay

of Edmonton, Alberta
Jun 30, 1921 - Aug 14, 2015



My heartfelt condolences to the family of Dr. JA Mackay! I met Dr.Mackay when I was a first year student nurse in the Operating Room (1960). As a student nurse at the old Misericordia Hospital, Dr. Mackay was the first Physician who I met and who I worked with. I will, forever, treasure all of his teachings and all of his support during my time as a student nurse in the Operating Room, plus the many more years as a registered nurse in the OR. His bedside manner was commendable, his medical expertise very polished, and his wisdom, unmatched. He will always stand tall in my memory bank of nursing experiences8, because he always went that extra mile for the patients, for the nursing staff, and also for the student nurses. Long may he be remembered as that wonderful, energetic, intelligent, hardworking Anaestheologist in the OR at the Misericordia Hospital!
posted by Betty Moruzzi, nee Bowthorpe / Sissons : I knew Dr. JA Mackay as an Anaestheologist in the Misericordia Hospital Operating Room. : Aug 17, 2015